Exploring the true life story of Sebuma, an amputated footballer, this comic color book seeks to invite young people to color the already drawn comic characters while reading the dialogue in the word bubbles.
We hope that when the children progress with coloring the comic pages in this book, they will imagine and learn more about the challenges and potential of children with disabilities while remaining how they can be more inclusive and supportive of them.
By purchasing this comic book, 70% of the price you pay will directly go to support the education of the children while 30% will enable us to continue offering free workshops.
30 in stock
Exploring the true life story of Sebuma, an amputated footballer, this comic color book seeks to invite young people to color the already drawn comic characters while reading the dialogue in the word bubbles.
We hope that when the children progress with coloring the comic pages in this book, they will imagine and learn more about the challenges and potential of children with disabilities while remaining how they can be more inclusive and supportive of them.
By purchasing this comic book, 70% of the price you pay will directly go to support the education of the children while 30% will enable us to continue offering free workshops.
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Comic Coloring Book
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